Whose experience matters in multi-actor networks?

A book written by Ronald Gortz and Manuela Gortz Bonaldo.

A book written by Ronald Gortz and Manuela Gortz Bonaldo.

✓ Available on Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play Books, and Rakuten Kobo

Kindle device showing the cover of the book User Experience, by author Manuela Gortz Bonaldo
A person holds an iPad showing the cover of the book Facing Multiplicity, by author Manuela Gortz Bonaldo

Book 1:
Facing the multiplicity of disciplines, professions, and specialized economies

We live in a world with an accelerated pace in the multiplication of its activities. We see specialized disciplines, professions, economies, technologies, digital platforms, and ecosystems emerging all the time. How to deal with these changes? How can a person or organization locate itself in the face of so many possibilities in an increasingly digitized world?

With this book, readers will be able to understand better the changes we are experiencing, what implications these changes signal for the future, and how people can understand where they are and where they can act to contribute to the society of which they are part.

Where can I buy?

The book Facing the multiplicity of disciplines, professions, and specialized economies is now available in the stores below:

A person holds a smartphone showing the cover of the book User Experience, by author Manuela Gortz Bonaldo

Book 2:
User, Customer, or Multiple Actors Experience

This book proposes a question for a topic that is so emphasized nowadays: the User Experience. The objective, however, is to bring other perspectives on the experience not only of users but also of the multiple actors that constitute multiple networks.

The book is an invitation to deepen reflection on this vast subject. We hope to help readers better understand the movement of creation and expansion of new multi-actor networks and some of the possible ways for people and organizations to position themselves in the face of these new and growing sets of relationships.

Where can I buy?

The book User, Customer, or Multiple Actors Experience is now available in the stores below:

A person holds a laptop showing the cover of the book My Data, by author Manuela Gortz Bonaldo

Book 3:
My Data, Data Storage Places, and Digital Accounts

Digital transformation is increasingly part of the routine of organizations and people. This transformation has taken a leap forward with cloud computing and advanced to much broader dimensions. The challenge for each person to relate to an ever-widening digital network is growing, leading to the need for individuals to be better informed and prepared.

Considering this context, the book offers a comprehensive and unique reflection from each individual’s perspective in relation to their data and digital processes.

Where can I buy?

The book My Data, Data Storage Places, and Digital Accounts is now available in the stores below:

Why buy the books?

✓ Current and relevant topics

The books bring important discussions and reflections on economic activities, technology, and actors’ experience.

✓ Multidisciplinary approach

Contextualization and examples of different areas of expertise, with content aimed at a broad audience.

✓ Read anywhere

Books in digital format that can be accessed anywhere.

✓ Structured content

The text is organized in chapters and distributed in sections, making the reading more understandable.

✓ Illustrations and diagrams

The books are illustrated with figures that make reading dynamic and help synthesize explanations.

✓ Compatible with multiple devices

Read on your smartphone, tablet, Kindle, and computer.

About me

My name is Manuela Gortz Bonaldo. I’m a Designer (UTFPR), MSc and Ph.D. in Technology and Society (UTFPR).

I have over 10 years of experience as a designer, creating several graphic and digital projects. I have also worked in digital marketing projects management and the creative team’s supervision.

Since 2016 I’ve been working with interdisciplinary projects and research in the fields of Emotional Design, Service Design, User Experience, Shared Economy, Actor-Network Theory, among others.

I am passionate about reading, visual, and written communication.

Manuela Gortz wears a brown coat in a background of trees

Other Publications

See other works available and published by the author.

Doctoral Thesis Cover from author Manuela Gortz-Bonaldo

PhD Thesis

Find out the critical success factors in the operation of shared mobility services, from the study of 6 car-sharing companies.

View full Thesis

Capa da Dissertação de Mestrado da autora Manuela Gortz-Bonaldo

Master’s Dissertation

Learn about the contributions of Emotional Design in solution-demand networks, from an electric car-sharing service case study.

View info about Dissertation

Capa de artigo publicado pela autora Manuela Gortz-Bonaldo em revista científica

Research Papers

Here you’ll find a collection of the author’s prominent research, with papers published in conferences and national and international journals.

View published research

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the books´ target audience?

The books target all people who want to understand a little better about the changes we are experiencing in the world, both in society in general and in their economic and professional activities.

The books are also aimed at those who want to better understand the movement of creation and expansion of new multi-stakeholder networks, and the experiences of multiple actors in these networks.

Where can I buy the books?

You can buy the books directly on Apple Books, Google Play (Books), Amazon, and Rakuten Kobo websites and/or apps.

Where can I read the books?

The books are available in digital format. That means you can read on the device you prefer: smartphone, tablet, Kindle, and even on your computer or notebook.

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Apple Books: for Apple devices and computers
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Kindle: Kindle devices, Android and iOs apps, and desktop version (Windows and Mac).

Are the books available in printed edition?

The books are currently available in digital format only. You can buy and read from Android, iOS, Kindle devices, as well as Windows and Mac computers.

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